
Buat Insan yang Amat Ku Sayang

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

 Assalamualaikum greenrose,
This is my bff, she's taken now.. feel like want to cry out loud...wuaaaa
i love her sooo much much much!. but u r gifted more than u need.. selamat bercinta sampai syurga wit encik perfect ten awk. hope that u'll happy ever n after. love u SITI KHADIJAH NUR..

this is also my bff, the first wedding among us

and this is fisha, she's got married past one year ago.

who will be next?....
me? may be.....
Hindarilah kami dari dosa besar ini Ya Allah,bantulah diri kami untuk menguatkan iman kami,sesungguhnya...."lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan yang baik"....ku harap kita sentiasa dlm redha-Nya..Ameen..